The Times They Are A-Changin’

I am a big advocate for easing into the new year. Going gently, as we are still in the energy of winter, and not doing anything that is too energetic or depleting. Preparing for spring, which is the time for action, new birth and new projects. This was absolutely my plan for 2025. Kris and I started the year in a log cabin in Northumberland and had a beautiful and connective day with one of our Santosha Rose community members (& dear friends) who was staying nearby. Shortly after this, we all experienced the snow and freezing temperatures, which seemed to push us all deeper into hibernation and “wintering.”

And yet… since then, I feel like the universe has had a different plan for me! A soul-connected card reading from my wonderful friend, Julyssa, told me that the word that describes the energy for me in 2025 is “change.”  And my god, have I been feeling this. I am feeling this in my teaching, with many people telling me that classes feel different in 2025. More powerful, more connective, deeper, magical. I am feeling this too. As many of you know, I believe that the classes I offer are an expression of something that comes through me, not something that I am personally creating. They also draw from the collective energy of the group. This has been the case since 2020, but what is coming through now feels totally different to what has come through before.

We saw this also in the Nurture Retreat Day earlier this month. So many people shared that they had experienced something new. A depth of experience. A sense of connection. A profound knowing of something that previously had been unknown or perhaps had felt just out of reach. It feels like this is a time of great awakenings. During class check-ins, more and more people report that no matter how their body or mind feel, their “spirit is great.” I am seeing almost every day how this connection to our deeper layers of being are such a source of strength and resilience, even when the world seems to be throwing everything it has at us!

I have been hinting during the last few months of this blog that I am feeling a new and vibrant energy for Santosha Rose and that new and different offerings are on the horizon. This month, these offerings have really started to crystalise within me. I am bursting to tell you all about them but have a couple of last details to work out and things to slot into place. I will be sharing these new offerings in the February Monthly Offering email. If you can’t wait that long and want to be the first to know, drop me an email with the title “Awaken” and I’ll send you the details as soon as they’re ready 💖

Oh and you may be wonderin’ about the title of this blog…

This month, Kris and I treated ourselves to a cinema trip to see the Bob Dylan biopic, “A Complete Unknown.” We both thoroughly enjoyed it. The immersion in another world and another time. The storytelling about human relationships, experiences and evolution. The backdrop of a world that was rapidly shifting and changing and becoming something new. The pressure to stay in your lane and follow the well-worn path and the impact of doing what you feel called to do. And the liberation that can come from that. It was inspiring, opening and challenging in some interesting ways that resonated personally and globally. It’s not 1965 anymore. But I’m excited to see what 2025 has in store for us ✨